Another Truthfull Trinity Beginning

With the beginning of a new year it's a good time to make account of the trinity. Noah with his wife and family, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and a book of John are a good examples of a new beginnings Human elements, created by God, to deliver humanity to the renewed earth through faith in its cleansing.

In the book of Genesis, Chapter 7, verse 16 we read that Noah entered into the ark that he built with his family. So, Noah did as was suggested to him, and on the day the ark was completed Noah and family entered the boat. 
Genesis 7: 14-16
With them in the boat were pairs of every kind of breathing animal -- domestic and wild, large and small -- along with birds and flying insects of every kind. Two by two they came into the boat, 16. male and female, just as God had commanded. Then the LORD shut them in.

So, the first element of the trinity is Water. Here it is used to illustrate a cleansing, a baptism, to new all creations of God illustrate as in"the pairs of every kind of breathing animal...." along with Noah and his family.

The second element in the trinity is Spirit.

Again, the world darkened by disobedience and despair, Mary the mother of Jesus, is found having had a conception, and is now waiting to give birth to a child. through the power of the Holy Spirit as it is written in the Book of Matthew at Chapter 1, verse 18. 

Matthew 1:20
As he considered this, he fell asleep, and an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. "Joseph, son of David," the angel said, "do not be afraid to go ahead with your marriage to Mary. For the child within her has been conceived by the Holy Spirit.

Let's review some now. The verses above in Genesis 7: 14-16 say before the advent of Jesus is referred to as "breathing". But conception is now, as in Jesus' conception,  is been conceived by the 'Holy Spirit'
1 John 5: 6-8
And Jesus Christ was revealed as God's Son by his baptism in water and by shedding his blood on the cross -- not by water only, but by water and blood. And the Spirit also gives us the testimony that this is true. 7. So we have these three witnesses -- 8. the Spirit, the water, and the blood -- and all three agree.

In the end of this demonstration of life renewed, the three elements of the Holy Trinity are shown by the creation of the cleansing water,  a cleaning spirit, and finally through the cleansing blood of mankind. The third element in the Holy Trinity here is the life giving blood.

Prayers are to The One, Great Exemplar. The literature YOU preserved for all generations still walks with YOUR children as we begin anew, once again, in this vast world. Breathe into us a breath of goodness and make us, the living, as the many earth creatures...cleansing us with the waters of life. With a strong and mighty hand, YOUR Holy Messengers, the, and our, loving angels, bring strong truthfulness as a sign of YOUR lasting love, and YOUR personal faithfulness towards us as we become the beacon of light for all the world to see how grand YOU really are. Akin to YOU through the blood as a new life foundations, YOU, Oh Lord, can only give that to us. Amen, Sir. And, Blessings to all.
.... So that, if a man only abstains from doing evil in order to avoid punishment, Non pasces in cruce corvos, [Thou shalt not be hanged.], saith the Pagan; there, "thou hast thy reward." But even he will not allow such a harmless man as this to be so much as a good heathen. If, then, any man, from the same motive, viz., to avoid punishment, to avoid the loss of his friends, or his gain, or his reputation, should not only abstain from doing evil, but also do ever so much good; yea, and use all the means of grace; yet we could not with any propriety say, this man is even almost a Christian. If he has no better principle in his heart, he is only a hypocrite altogether.
- Dr. John Wesley

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