A New Beginning in Fellowship

A New Beginning in Fellowship
A one year study in the Eastern Philosophy of the Old and New Testaments



  • A Truthful Trinity Beginning
  • Bountiful List of Churches
  • Titus 1: 4-9

  • February
  • Learn the Boanerges Boys
  • Lessons in Introductory Scripture
  • Levitius 8:14-15

  • March

  • The First Five Books
  • Jesus as the Messiah
  • Jeremiah 14: 20-22

  • April
  • Easter 
  • Catechistic Easter Lessons
  • Small Groups, Christianity Today

  • May
  • Pentacost 
  • Easter, Pentecost and Our Parents 
  • A Word on the 'Ordinary Times'

  • June
  • Ordinary Times
  • Praying in the Spirit
  • Titus 2: 11-14

  • July
  • Chastise Your Words
  • A New Beginning With Love
  • Judges 10:15-16

  • August
  • Biblical Stories Revisited 
  • Purge is Baptism
  • 2 John 1: 1-4

  • September
  • Adding The Ten Commandments
  • Wesley's Rebuttal to England
  • Ecclesiastes 1 :1-7

  • October
  • An Unknown Faith
  • Praises for Your Bountifulness 
  • Isaiah 16: 1-5 

  • November
  • A Dark Boggy Bayou
  • Enter by the Way
  • Numbers 5: 8-10

  • December
  • Christmas (Advent)
  • Messiah or Melchizedek King
  • Micah 4:2-7

  • Stewardship


  • Praise with Song and Dance
  • 'Stringing' the Holy Word 
  • Numbers 14: 7-9 

  • March
  • Spring is for Baptisms 
  • Messiah, Sell Your Wares!
  • Genesis 32: 3-10

  • April

  • Easter
  • The Golgotha, The Crucifixion, and Easter
  • Rethinking Easter

  • June

  • Ordinary Times
  • Offer in the Ordinary Times
  • Acts 11: 5-8

  • July

  • Forgiveness with God
  • Jesus and Abraham
  • Colossians 1:3-6

  • August

  • Essay on 'Church and State'
  • Standard Religious Phrases 
  • Matthew 11 :17-19

  • September

  • Remembering, Dr. John Wesley 
  • Pastor Zack's Own Downfall 
  • Obadiah 1: 15-16

  • October
  • A "Christ-Like" Manner
  • Life's Role Models
  • 1 John 1:1-3

  • November

  • Come to Salvation's Hand 
  • Refresh as a Child 
  • Advent 

  • December
    .... So that, if a man only abstains from doing evil in order to avoid punishment, Non pasces in cruce corvos, [Thou shalt not be hanged.], saith the Pagan; there, "thou hast thy reward." But even he will not allow such a harmless man as this to be so much as a good heathen. If, then, any man, from the same motive, viz., to avoid punishment, to avoid the loss of his friends, or his gain, or his reputation, should not only abstain from doing evil, but also do ever so much good; yea, and use all the means of grace; yet we could not with any propriety say, this man is even almost a Christian. If he has no better principle in his heart, he is only a hypocrite altogether.
    - Dr. John Wesley

    KAPB Outreach