A "Christ-Like" Manner

Finding a Godly path means growing in the Lord. It also means wanting to do more for ourselves...an in return, we do more  for others. The selection of the biblical scripture below gives a few concepts towards being a Godly person. To refresh and be new believers, these points of interest can help a follower of Jesus to grow as a bountiful believer with a feeling of completion towards a loving life with the Lord Jesus. 

Jesus, during His ministry, found many mutants worships and active conflicts that had grown out of the old Egyptian beliefs. Jesus foretold of calamities because of the confusions that flourished up from the introduction of religious orders that were directed towards a God sent messiah. Jesus felt that the disciple Peter was the best person to read of to fully understand what was to be the beginning and development to the end of Jesus' messianic journeys.

Walking in the termed "Christ-like manner" means walking against mankind. Why? Because mankind failed. Even from the beginning of the God like 'mankind' mankind failed, such as with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden. It was expected that followers would go astray, a messiah would have to bring mankind back into order, and these refreshed followers would have to walk along with the messiah they chose. Jesus Christ knew love with God and suffering from mankind. So, at times you as a new, refreshing believer will also come to know the love of God as well as the suffering from mankind.

The selected biblical scripture is from the Letter entitled, 1 Peter. Let the words serve you well...

1 Peter 2: 21-25
For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.
  • 22.  He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone.
  • 23.  He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he suffered. He left his case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly.
  • 24.  He personally carried our sins in his body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. By his wounds you are healed.
  • 25.  Once you were like sheep who wandered away. But now you have turned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls.
October, the month with many tentacles. We must choose Lord from a mountain of wrongs paths in the hopes we find You, the Blessed Messiah from God. Make our lives quiet much as the winter makes the earth silent to renew for another year. Renew us Great God the Creator. Just simply put us on the path to Jesus where we can find the new year spring of hope and happiness through the greatest love known to mankind, Your Son, Jesus the Christ. 
.... So that, if a man only abstains from doing evil in order to avoid punishment, Non pasces in cruce corvos, [Thou shalt not be hanged.], saith the Pagan; there, "thou hast thy reward." But even he will not allow such a harmless man as this to be so much as a good heathen. If, then, any man, from the same motive, viz., to avoid punishment, to avoid the loss of his friends, or his gain, or his reputation, should not only abstain from doing evil, but also do ever so much good; yea, and use all the means of grace; yet we could not with any propriety say, this man is even almost a Christian. If he has no better principle in his heart, he is only a hypocrite altogether.
- Dr. John Wesley

KAPB Outreach