Perhaps the most famous verse about the change of seasons is in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Used to comfort and remind us, verses 1-8 from Chapter 3 is the complete list of the 'Times' to which we must console our spirits so to remain content and comforted during life's seasonal changes.
Ecclesiastes 3: 4-7
A time to cry and a time to laugh. time to grieve and a time to dance. 5. A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to turn away. 6. A time to search and a time to quit searching. A time to keep and a time to throw away. 7. A time to tear and a time to mend. A time to be quiet and a time to speak....
Ordinary Times is the months to relax but it is also the time to continually prepare with a full year to the time of Pentecost with the gift giving from the Lord.
The oldest adage..."Give and you will receive". The bible has a few verse resources that share with us a little understanding of ways to give: Burnt offering, grain offering, the purification offering, reparation offering, the ordination offering, and the communion sacrifice.
...burnt offering (by fire)...grain offering (multi-grain or cereal)...purification offering (water or washing, baptism)...reparation offering (making amends)Think of ways to share with others around you. Picnics, BBQs, hot dogs roasts...create a memory with someone. Feed the birds and squirrels though scripture says their needs a met, you can share in that bounty by offering a handful from your heart. Ask to renew your baptism, ask a friend to share that with you. Remember an old friend who you lost through bitterness and jealousy...don't let that contention make your friends. Offer yourself a new chance to mature by adding back the older friends you once had, and, in doing so, you'll add good memories from your lost past. During the 'Ordinary Times' find and mend little things. It will make mending the bigger ones seem so must more smaller.
...communion offering (to make peace)
From an American religious founder Dr. John Wesley, the few words are from his sermon, "Plain Account".
First. We not only allow, but earnestly contend, that there is no perfection in this life, which implies any dispensation from attending all the ordinances of God, or from doing good unto all men while we have time, though especially unto the household of faith.' We believe, that not only the babes in Christ, who have newly found redemption in his blood, but those also who are `grown up into perfect men,' are indispensably obliged, as often as they have opportunity, `to eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of Him....
- Dr. John Wesley
The beginning of 'Ordinary Times' should be our breathe of fresh air. It is through You Oh Lord that all goodness of the sole does flow. Find for us little ways to mend, and we will try to patch the hole. Offerings and kind words are nothing without the love of the Lord to shelter our good deeds. In this we pray to renew the heart. We walk another year to You Oh Lord, so let this be as with the 'Ordinary Times'. Amen